Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weekly Recommendations 4/10/2012

Firefly -- Firefly is the greatest Sci-fi television show I've ever seen. Prior to seeing Firefly I was not even close to caring for sci-fi in general. I watched the films, but I never really took the initiative to hunt down Sci-fi movies etc. Then the consciousness of man shifted and I found Firefly and I fell in love with it. There's only one season because the network (fox) canceled in in spite of its high ratings... Well Fox has a habit of doing that a lot with good shows, thinking they know what people actually want to watch. Firefly is one of those shows that simply sucks you in from the get-go and the story is such uniqueness to it, it works. So if you haven't seen Firefly check it out. (Also, a movie was put out called Serenity which is just as great!"

Ginger Snaps -- Ginger Snaps is a werewolf movie about a girl who gets attacked by a warewolf and slowly starts to change into one. I loved Ginger Snaps it's such a fun creepy independent movie that produced two more movies Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed and Ginger Snaps The Beginning, both movies are great, but my favorite is Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed because of Emily Perkins (something about her is just downright hot!) If you like werewolf movies and independent movies in general, check out Ginger Snaps.

Contact -- When I first saw Contact I hated it because, well, where the worst play you can watch a movie? At school. I saw it at school. However, of the years I kept being drawn to this movie until one day I picked it up and re-watched it... And I simply just fell in love with it. Contact is about making contact with extraterrestrial life. However, the lead is Jodie Foster (hottie) who's a scientist working for SETI who's in search for extraterrestrial life, and a skeptic when it comes to faith in a god. However, her co-lead is Matthew McConaughey (Total bad ass) who's a man of faith. Both characters (or beliefs) clash, yet at the end manage to coexistence in a profound way. I would definitely recommend Contact, only if you're into a lot of duologue and open-minded to the possibility to life on other planets.

Gothika -- Gothika such a fantastic horror/thriller. I just recent purchased it, however, I couldn't remember much about the movie. I do know Penelope Cruz (who plays Chloe, also is damn hot) was fantastic in this movie. If you think she can't act, watch this movie and you will change your mind. Halie Berry is just as phenomenal as Doctor Grey. If you want to see a ghostly tale that takes place in a mental asylum, check out Gothika.

The Rite -- The Rite is a very interesting film. I wills tart off by saying it's not my favorite exorcism film, the best exorcism film is The Exorcism of Emily Rose (Jennifer Carpenter, she's so creepy looking it's hot. She's fine!) Anyways, back to The Rite. The Rite is about a Priest who's losing his faith while another, Anthony Hopkins, knows all to well about the paranormal world. As the priest tries to understand exorcism and see if it's a hoax or if it's real, he's sucked into the world of demonic position and comes face-to-face with the one they call the devil. I liked this movie, I thought it was a pretty decent flick, a lot better than The Exorcist with Linda Blair, personally I hated that movie and I found it funny and not scary at all. So check The Rite out only if you're into movies about demonic possession, if not and you still want to see it, then give it a rent!

-- Connor Murphy

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