Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Synopsis: A power-hungry man is searching for a bow that can conquer heaven and earth. However, the Gods of Olympus have chosen a man -- a servant -- to defeat evil armies before they conquer the world and heaven alike.

Immortals is such an awesome movie. I love Greek Mythology because the stories are extremely creative. Honestly, when I first went into his movie my initial thoughts were "a 300 rip-off." Was I wrong! Immortals is a fantastic flick. Great action. Amazing actors. The cinematography is amazing, however, the only thing that's akin to 300 is the way it was filmed (the "comic book look") and the dolly fight scene as the main character kicks-ass. Nonetheless, it doesn't matter, because there was actually a great story there and this story was fantastic.

I'm not saying this movie doesn't have it's flaws, but that doesn't change the fact that this movie is actually very entertaining. The story is interesting also. There is one thing I'd like to point out and that's the gods of Olympus die in this movie, not all of them, but a good number of them. But it appears that only another god or a Titan can kill a god, but this idea doesn't change the fact that it's still a very entertaining film. I'm not to up-to-par with my Greek Mythology, but the books I do have on it and the stories I do recall, the gods can't die.I may be wrong, but I don't recall them ever being killed.

What I enjoyed the most about this particular film was the fight scene with the gods, and the gods were all bad-ass themselves, using their weapons. I.e. Zeus (A sword), Poseidon (he used a trident), Athena (I believe knives), Heracles and Apollo. I can't recall of their weapons, but one of the gods used a chain to fight and I believe that was Heracles and Ares used a hammer. However, regardless of who used what, the fights scenes between the gods and the titans was fantastic! So many people put this movie down for whatever reason. I'm going to assume that were hopping for another 300, but it's good that the producers didn't fully take the 300 route because it would have said one thing and one thing alone: "We're just trying to make money, and you fools are dumb enough to give in and see this movie."

Yes, we're all aware that the studios main focus is to make money, but at least they allow the producers to be creative with it. Personally I thought Immortals was a fantastic film and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys Greek Mythology like I do. So if you get a chance pick this movie up and check it out.

What do I rate this movie? I rate it 3.5 Stars out of 5.

-- Connor Murphy

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