Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fringe: Letters Of Transit 4/20/2012

I've said it before and I will say it again, Fringe one of the best shows on Prime Time television. I was a bit worried about where they were going with the show in this season. However, with that said, after yesterdays episode, I became a believer. Fringe now has so many opportunities and directions to go in, it's exciting.

It takes place 20 years later, in the year 2036. After the Observers became weary of observing human history, they decided to take over, ruling under a totaltolitarian regime. At that time the Fringe Division tried to combat the Observers, however, they were easily defeated and the remaining Agents were allowed to stay active and control the ones the Observers call the "natives." At this point, we discover that Peter, Olivia, Astrid and Walter were frozen in amber and twenty years later, an Agent named Etta and another Agent freed Walter and Astrid.

However, before freeing Astrid, they took Walter to Massive Dynamic to try and repair his brain, which suffered brain damage. Walter still acted similar to a child and rambling about irrelevant things. However, if you're a follower of the show, you'll remember that William Bell took part of Walters brain out so that Walter wouldn't remember what or who he was becoming. Moreover, since they used the cells from the piece of brain that was taken out, which was kept at Massive Dynamic, it restored his brain and healed it and Walter became more lucid -- similar to Walternate.

Another interesting thing that was revealed is the fact that Walter was going to free William Bell, but he makes a statement later on after Astrid was freed -- I'm paraphrasing -- "even if you had any compassion about William Bell, you still wouldn't help him considering what he did to Olivia." Now this statement has drawn me in. Now I'm focused on where they're taking this show.

Nonetheless, it is revealed that Etta is Peters daughter. Earlier this season, Peter was told by an Observer that he was going to have a son and his name was going to be Henry. However, Etta's real name is Henrietta and turns out to be Peter and Olivia's daughter. I am strongly confident in this show and I defiantly can't wait to watch the next episode.

What would I rate this episode? 5 Stars out of 5 for bring back the mystery on full throttle.

-- Connor Murphy

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